With age, fat under the skin dissolves and causes significant volume loss. This can lead to the development of wrinkles, lines and other signs of aging on your face. Modern medicine has however, found a way to hide these signs of aging. A non-surgical facelift can fill these empty spaces under your skin to add volume to your face and help regain your youthfulness.
As the name suggests, a non-surgical facelift is non-invasive. It involves the injecting of dermal fillers into the affected area. This procedure should not take more than half an hour and shows almost instantaneous results. The most common areas where the filler is injected are the temporal hollows, cheek, submalar, nose, naso labial folds, marionette lines, oral commisure and chin and jaw line. This procedure has no major side effects. However, to be on the safe side, minimize touching the injection site for upto 2 weeks after the procedure.
There are three types of dermal fillers used for non-surgical face lifts.
Hyaluronic acid is the standard dermal filler used for such procedures. The affect lasts for 6 months to a year depending on the area it is injected into. The more the area covered, the shorter will be the duration of the benefit. Once the effects of the facelift begin to fade, the procedure will have to be repeated to maintain the youthful look. Hyaluronic acid is also said to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin.
Synthetic fillers can also be used for a non-surgical facelift. The effects of these fillers are more long-lasting and can maintain facial volume for up to 18 months. However, synthetic fillers can trigger the formation of lumps under the skin that will need to be surgically removed. The structure of the skin can also change with age, leaving odd shapes at the sites where synthetic fillers have been injected.
The third type of dermal filler used is the patient s own fat. Fat from another part of the body is extracted and then injected into the face to increase its volume. While the effects of this type of dermal filler can last for 5 to 10 years, there is also a possibility of the fat being reabsorbed into the body within a few months of the procedure. Fat transfer dermal fillers are also the most expensive type of fillers.